Have you ever seen a spider eating an ant in your home or the outdoors? Or maybe you’ve heard about spiders hunting and eating ants from friends, family, or online. These days, it seems like there are so many weird myths going around on the internet about spiders.
So how do you know what’s true, and what’s not, when it comes to this alleged ant-eating behavior of spiders? Well, in this blog post, we’ll explore that very question, and also answer some more related questions you may have! So lets get to it…
Do Spiders Eat Ants?
Spiders and ants are often found coexisting in the same habitats and it’s not uncommon to wonder if spiders are feeding off ants.
The truth is, Yes, spiders do occasionally eat ants! however, it’s not a common occurrence. In fact, spiders tend to avoid ants most of the time because they’re usually a risky meal.
Ants often defend themselves in group attacks, making it very risky for the spider! In some cases, the tables can turn and the spider can easily be kill by the ants.
Of course, if it’s just a single ant, the spider would have the upper hand “but” depending on the species of ant, it could still be a challange for the spider to take it down.
There’s also the factor that ants make for a low-quality meal for spiders! Meaning, compared to other prey like crickets, mealworms, and grasshoppers, ants offer far less nutrition.
Do Spiders Eat Flying Ants?
Flying ants, especially during their mating season, are abundant and often predictable, making them an accessible food source for spiders.
When these ants take flight for their nuptial swarms, they are not just taking part in a mating ritual, but are also entering the hunting grounds of many predators, including spiders.
Web-building spiders, in particular, find flying ants easy targets! These spiders weave intricate webs that serve as traps for any airborne creatures that happen to fly into them.
Flying ants often get caught in these webs, and once they’re entangled, they become an easy meal for the spider.
Types Of Spiders That Eat Ants
While not all spiders prey on ants, several types have been identified as ant-eaters. These include The following:
- Black Widows and False Widows: These spiders are infamous for their potent venom, used to immobilize prey. They often pounce on unsuspecting ants, making them a primary food source.
- Crab Spiders: Named for their crab-like appearance, these spiders are excellent ambush predators. They lie in wait for their prey, striking when an ant comes close.
- Lynx Spiders: These agile hunters rely on keen eyesight to stalk and catch their prey. They don’t spin webs but instead roam about hunting for food, which can include ants.
- Jumping Spiders: Known for their exceptional vision and remarkable jumping ability, these spiders are skilled hunters capable of capturing various prey, including ants.
- Wall Spiders: Often found on walls and other vertical surfaces, these spiders spin small, irregular webs where they lie in wait for their prey.
It’s crucial to note that while these spiders can and do eat ants, their diets are usually varied and they will eat other prey, giving a more balanced diet.

How Do Spiders Catch And Eat Ants?
Spiders employ a variety of techniques to catch and eat ants! Some spiders are ambush predators, pouncing on their prey when they wander too close. While others weave intricate webs to trap flying ants.
Once an ant is caught, the spider uses its pedipalps (appendages near the mouth) to hold the prey in place while it delivers a bite with its fangs. The fangs inject a digestive enzyme into the ant, which begins to liquefy its insides.
After the venom takes effect, the spider begins to feed. It regurgitates enzyme-rich stomach fluids onto its prey, initiating external digestion.
This process, often aided by the grinding action of the spider’s fangs and jaws, reduces the ant’s body and tissues to a form of “soup” that the spider can then consume.
How Often Do They Eat Ants?
The exact number of ants a spider consumes in a day can vary widely, depending largely on the species of spider, size, metabolic needs, and availability of ants. Becuase of this, it’s difficult to give an exact number as it can change based on these various factors.
Spiders feeding habits can be quite sporadic, and they have been known to go days or even weeks without eating, depending on their metabolic needs and the availability of prey.
So, while we can say that spiders do eat ants, unfortunately, it’s very challenging to provide a precise daily ant consumption number.
Are Ants Healthy For Spiders?
Ants can provide some nutritional benefits to spiders, however, this really depends on the part of the ant consumed. For example, certain parts of an ant may offer more protein or other nutrients compared to others, so the nutritional uptake can differ based on which parts a spider consumes.
With that said, while ants can provide some nutrition to spiders, they are not necessarily the most beneficial or preferred food source for all spiders. The nutritional value they provide is often supplementary and depends largly on the factors, mentioned above.
Can They Live On A Diet Of Ants?
While some spiders can and do consume ants, relying on them as a sole food source presents several challenges.
Firstly, ants are not easy prey. Many ant species have robust social structures and defensive strategies that protect them from predators. For example, they often travel in groups, making it difficult for a spider to isolate and capture one without attracting the attention of the rest.
Secondly, the nutritional content of ants may not be sufficient to sustain a spider’s dietary needs if consumed exclusively. Spiders require a balanced diet to thrive, and ants may not provide all the necessary nutrients in the right proportions.
Therefore, while ants can be part of a spider’s diet, they are typically not the primary or exclusive food source due to these ecological, and nutritional considerations.
Is It Safe To Feed Ants To Your Pet Spider?
No, its not recommended to feed ants to your pet spider! For one, depending on the species of ant, if there more than one, they could easily get the upper hand and kill your spider.
Then there’s the nutritional benefits! Despite ants having some nutritional benefits, ants alone don’t provide a balanced diet for spiders, as they need a variety of nutrients that may not be adequately provided by ants alone.
You also need to think about that the nutritional value of ants can be influenced by what the ants eat. Ants that feed on sugary sources like aphid honeydew might have higher sugar content, while those that feed on more diverse diets might provide a broader range of nutrients.
So while ants do posses some nutritional value, they are not an ideal food source for spiders, especially as a sole diet component.
Ants also pose a risk to spiders and as such, it’s generally recommended to provide spiders with a varied diet of appropriate insects to ensure they receive all necessary nutrients and minimize potential harm.