Do Spiders Have Teeth? Most of us have never seen the inside of a spider’s mouth up close, but from a distance, those sharp fangs can look downright terrifying. However, have you ever wondered if spiders actually have teeth?
Technically speaking, spiders do not have teeth. But, they do have something called chelicerae, which are sharp, fang-like appendages that they use to puncture their prey and inject them with venom.
So, while spiders don’t technically have teeth, they do have something that serves a similar purpose. And in some cases, their chelicerae can be just as dangerous, if not more so than actual teeth.
Here, we are going to uncover the secrets behind the spider’s bite. We will explore the realm of spider chelicerae, unveiling their distinctive functions, drawing comparisons with teeth, and understanding their vital role in a spider’s existence. Let’s start…!
Do Spiders Have Teeth?
No, spiders do not possess teeth like mammals or reptiles. Instead, they have mouthparts known as chelicerae, resembling fangs more than traditional teeth.
While spiders do not have traditional teeth, their chelicerae function similarly in capturing and consuming food. However, unlike teeth, chelicerae are not used for chewing or grinding food.
What are Chelicerae, and What is their Function?
The chelicerae are the mouthparts of a group of animals called Chelicerata, which includes spiders, horseshoe crabs, and sea spiders.
People often call them “jaws”. These mouthparts can look like either fangs or pincers. In some animals, like most spiders, the chelicerae are hollow and have venom glands that inject venom into prey or things they see as threats.
Other creatures, like pseudoscorpions and harvestmen, have extra parts on their chelicerae for grooming, like papillae in pseudoscorpions and cheliceral teeth in harvestmen.
Chelicerae are a pair of fangs, one on each side of the spider’s mouth. They are made up of hard, pointed segments that can be surprisingly strong, depending on the spider species.

Types of Spider Chelicerae Teeth:
The chelicerae consist of two parts: a base segment and a fang segment. The base part (also called “paturon”) connects to the spider’s head, and the fang part connects to the base.
Most spiders have venom glands in these chelicerae. When a spider attacks its target, it delivers venom by injecting it through tiny openings located near the ends of its fangs.
The fang is like a hypodermic needle that pierces the skin, fur, or exoskeleton of the spider’s target.
Spiders primarily use their mouthparts to envenom their prey, usually insects or other small arthropods.
The base part of the chelicerae contains venom glands, and the spider can control how much venom is released by squeezing these glands.
This control allows a spider to give a “dry bite” with no venom, a dose suitable for the type of prey or threat, or a maximum dose.
It is also essential for specific actions, like spitting venomous silk, which some spiders use for hunting and defense.
Here is how chelicerae, the spider’s specialized mouthparts, function:
Spiders use their chelicerae to seize and secure their prey. The sharp points can penetrate insect exoskeletons or even human skin in certain cases, although most spider bites are harmless to humans.
Many spider species house venom glands in their chelicerae. When they bite their prey, they deliver venom through the fangs, which can immobilize or kill the prey.
Once the prey is under control, the spider employs its chelicerae to tear and break it into smaller pieces.
Certain spiders further process their prey by injecting digestive enzymes, transforming the food into a liquid substance for easier consumption.
After liquefying the food, the spider draws it up through a small opening between the chelicerae called the labium.
In essence, even though spiders lack literal teeth, their chelicerae act as vital multifunctional tools for their survival and feeding.
These mouthparts are like versatile instruments that assist spiders in capturing, subduing, and consuming their prey.
Evolution of Spider Chelicerae: From Spiderling to Adult:
These chelicerae undergo distinctive changes throughout a spider’s life.
In the early instars or nymph stage, newly hatched spiderlings possess smaller and softer chelicerae, used to pierce the exoskeletons of smaller prey like aphids or insect eggs.
Some spiderlings even filter liquids like dew or sap using their chelicerae for sustenance. As they molt and mature, their chelicerae gradually strengthen and enlarge.
In adulthood, spiders showcase fully developed chelicerae tailored to their specific diet and hunting techniques.
Web-building spiders feature slender, pointed chelicerae for injecting venom and pre-digesting prey ensnared in their webs, while ground-hunting counterparts may possess robust chelicerae for crushing prey like beetles.
Some tarantulas exhibit the most potent chelicerae, capable of puncturing small vertebrate prey.
In their later years, spiders may exhibit signs of chelicerae wear and tear, with diminished sharpness and overall strength.
This can impact their hunting prowess, leading them to focus on easier-to-catch prey. Some older spiders adapt by employing alternative hunting methods, such as using webs with stronger sticky silk or using their webs to lure prey closer.
Some Facts About Spider Chelicerae:
Here are more details about spider chelicerae:
- They make up the initial pair of appendages on a spider’s body.
- Spiders use them for different tasks, such as biting, grooming, and fighting.
- The size and shape of chelicerae differ based on the spider species.
- In some spiders, the chelicerae possess sufficient strength to pierce through human skin.
How Do Spiders Eat With No Teeth?
As it turns out, spiders don’t actually need teeth in order to eat their food. Instead, they use a specialized digestive process called liquefaction to break down their prey’s tissues and extract the nutrients from them.
This allows spiders to essentially “drink” their meals as if they were soup or liquid instead of biting into solid chunks with sharp fangs.
Of course, this means that spiders can’t bite and chew as we do, but this doesn’t seem to be an issue for most species.
In fact, some experts believe that having teeth might actually interfere with the spider’s ability to capture and eat its prey effectively.
Digestion Process in Spiders:
Spiders, lacking teeth like humans, employ a captivating and intricate digestion process centered around their specialized mouthparts known as chelicerae fang-like structures that achieve a similar function.
Skipping traditional chomping and grinding, a spider’s digestion unfolds in a series of steps.
First, in the capture and subdue phase, spiders use webs or agility to trap prey, and their chelicerae pierce and grip with sharp points, occasionally injecting venom for easier handling.
Next, in the pre-digestion stage, chelicerae tear and liquefy the prey’s insides, with some spiders introducing digestive enzymes through their fangs.
The liquid food is then drawn up through a small opening between the chelicerae, known as the labium, acting like a straw and initiating the journey into the spider’s digestive system.
Internal breakdown occurs in the stomach, where specialized enzymes and acids further break down nutrients, separating and compacting indigestible parts for expulsion.
Fascinatingly, the spider’s digestive system is remarkably efficient, extracting most nutrients from prey.
Despite the absence of teeth, spiders showcase remarkable adaptability in their ingenious food processing, exemplifying nature’s diverse strategies for survival.
- Spiders can eat prey much larger than themselves due to their efficient liquefying process.
- Tarantulas may take weeks to fully digest a big meal.
- The spider’s digestive system is highly efficient, extracting most nutrients from prey.
How Many Fangs Do Spiders Have?
Fangs are found in animals like spiders. Think of fangs as tiny spears that creatures use to catch and hold their food.
The sharp points of fangs can grab insects or even pierce human skin in some spiders (though their bites are usually harmless).
Certain spiders utilize venom stored in their fangs to either paralyze or kill their prey. Additionally, some species inject specialized digestive juices to facilitate the process of consuming their food.
All spiders, no matter the type, have two fangs that work together like little pincers to catch their food. Other animals, like scorpions and certain snakes, also use fangs.
These fangs show how nature gives creatures smart tools to find and eat their food, helping them survive and do well.
Do Their Fangs Work Like Chewing Teeth?
So at this point, you might be wondering do their fangs work the same as chewing teeth. The short answer is No! Teeth and fangs work completely differently, from one another, for example:
- A tooth is a hard, calcified structure that is used for chewing and breaking down food into smaller pieces that can be easily digested.
- A fang, on the other hand, is a sharp, needle-like structure that is used for piercing skin and injecting venom to immobilize prey.
While both teeth and fangs are located in the mouth as you can see they have different functions and serve different purposes.
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Like Teeth, Can Spider Fangs Fall Out?
It turns out that spiders can lose their fangs, but it’s not a common occurrence. In most cases, the fangs will simply break off at the base if they’re forced to penetrate something too tough.
However, some spiders have been known to shed their fangs when they’re molting, or shedding their old exoskeleton in order to grow a new one.
The process of molting is stressful for spiders, and shedding their fangs may help them to reduce their stress levels.
In rare cases, spider fangs have been known to fall out without being broken or shed. This usually happens when the spider is very old and its body is starting to break down.
If you find a spider with a missing fang, it’s probably best to leave it alone – it’s not likely to be able to inflict much damage without its venomous bite.
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Will They Grow Back?
It’s an age-old question with no easy answer if you lose a tooth, will it grow back? The same can be asked of spider fangs. Unfortunately, unlike teeth, spider fangs will not grow back.
Once they’re gone, they’re gone for good. This is because spider fangs are made of a different material than teeth. Teeth are made of dentin, which is a type of bone.
Spider fangs, on the other hand, are made of chitin, which is a type of hard protein. Chitin is not as flexible as dentin, so it is not able to regenerate as teeth can.
All spiders have fangs, but not all of them are venomous. Venom is used to immobilize prey, and all spiders produce some form of it.
The amount of venom produced and the potency of that venom varies greatly from species to species.
Some spiders have very powerful venom that can be dangerous to humans, while others have venom that is barely noticeable.
Comparison of Spiders’ Jaws with Other Insects’ Jaws and Teeth:
When comparing spider jaws (chelicerae) to insect jaws and teeth, intriguing distinctions and similarities emerge in how these creatures engage with food capture and manipulation.
In terms of structure, spider chelicerae are paired front appendages with a base and fang segment, often hollow and equipped with venom glands.
Insects, on the other hand, exhibit diverse jaw structures, featuring paired mandibles for chewing in most cases or modified mouthparts like piercing-sucking (butterflies) or siphoning (mosquitoes).
Teeth, if present, are usually small projections on the mandibles.
Functionally, spider chelicerae excel at piercing, venom injection, external pre-digestion through enzymes, and suction of liquefied food.
Insect mandibles primarily serve chewing, grinding, or tearing, adapting to the insect’s diet.
Despite serving as primary food manipulation tools for their respective groups, spiders and insects differ in their structural specialization and functional approach.
While both can adapt to various functions based on diet and lifestyle, spiders’ chelicerae are more specialized for piercing, injecting, and pre-digesting externally, distinct from the internally processing jaws of insects.
Additionally, only spiders possess venom glands associated with their jaws.
Examples include tarantulas using powerful chelicerae for prey crushing and jumping spiders injecting digestive enzymes through their fangs, contrasting with grasshoppers’ strong mandibles for leaf-chewing and mosquitoes using piercing mouthparts for blood extraction.
So there you have it! Now you know that spiders have no teeth, but they make up for it with their venomous bites. And, while their fangs can’t regrow, they do molt and grow new ones periodically.
If you want to know more about spiders feel free to check out our other articles on this website.