Are you wondering if spiders eat bed bugs? With many people having had encounters with both bed bugs and spiders, it’s only natural to wonder if the two species could come into contact.
The short answer is yes spiders do eat bed bugs! In fact, there’s one species in particular that is known to live on a diet bed begs only called the Thanatus Flavidus.
Although there are other spiders that may snack on bed bugs from time to time, the ability and propensity of these spiders depend entirely on their size and method of hunting.
For example, most spiders tend to only hunt for prey within their own webs and stay in a limited area. However, there are those who actively hunt and stalk their prey! It’s these spiders that would typically eat bed bugs.
Types Of Spiders That Eat Bed Bugs
So far we know of one spider species that eats bed bugs! But, as we know, it can be difficult to identify which species of spider you have crawling around your bedroom or living.
Luckily we’ve done the research for you and are here to help break down the different types of spiders that feed on bed bugs so you can understand what kind of spiders you may have in your home.
Types of spiders that eat bed bugs:
- Wolf Spiders
- Jumping Spiders
- Running Crab Spiders
- Yellow Sac Spiders
- Thanatus Flavidus Spiders

So here’s a list of the most common spiders that would eat beg bugs. However, out of all the spider species, there’s only one that tops the list and that’s “the Thanatus flavidus” which could be a promising alternative to bed bug exterminators.
Native to Eastern Europe, these spiders are adept at hunting bed bugs due to their size. Unlike typical web spinners, the thanatus flavidus actively hunts and stalks for their prey on the ground much like the other spiders listed above.
Take Note: It’s worth noting that a considerable number of these spiders, ranging from 18 to 36 per room, would be required to completely eradicate an average bed bug infestation.
Can I Feed Bed Bugs To My Pet Spider?
If you’re considering feeding bed bugs to your pet spider, it’s important to keep in mind that there are potential risks involved. While some spiders may accept and even benefit from this type of food, others may reject it or experience negative health effects.
It’s also important to consider that some bed bugs can carry diseases and parasites that could be harmful to your spider.
Ultimately, the decision to try feeding bed bugs to your pet spider is something that requires careful consideration and assessment of the individual spider’s needs and preferences. As with any pet, it’s important to prioritize the health and well-being of your spider above all else.
How Often Do Spiders Eat Bed Bugs?
As we know, the Thanatus Flavidus can live solely on beg bugs but other spiders don’t have a specific frequency for eating these insects. The diet of a spider depends on several factors, including its species, size, age, and the availability of prey.
Some spiders may eat daily, while others can go days or even weeks without eating if food is scarce. While some species do eat bed bugs, it’s important to note that “apart from the Thanatus Flavidus spider” they don’t exclusively feed on them.
Bed bugs are not a primary food source for spiders, and spiders will only eat them if they are starving and if the size of the bed bug is manageable for the spider.
Do Spiders Eat Bed Bugs Dead Or Alive?
Although some spiders do eat dead insects there’s no evidence that suggests spiders would eat dead bed bugs! However, spiders are known to be opportunistic eaters and will likely consume both dead and alive bed bugs.
With that said many spiders prefer to hunt and kill their prey rather than eat something already dead. Still, that’s not to say it wouldn’t happen!

Can Spiders Live On A Diet Of Bed Bugs?
The Thanatus Flavidus spider is indeed one of the species known to eat bed bugs. However, while this spider can eat bed bugs, it doesn’t mean that other spider species could live solely on a diet of bed bugs.
Spiders, like many animals, require a varied diet to get all the necessary nutrients for their survival and well-being. Eating only one type of prey could lead to nutritional deficiencies over time.
Can You Use Spiders To Solve Your Bed Bug Problem?
Now you’re probably asking yourself if having large numbers of spiders around the house will solve your bed bug problem, or if it will create additional issues. Well, while spiders are known to eat bed bugs, using them to solve a bed bug problem is not practical.
As already mentioned it would take at least 18 to 36 spiders to do the job, and even that’s not a guarantee. You see, bed bugs multiply much faster than a spider can consume them, leading to a continuous infestation.
For dealing with bed bug infestations, it’s recommended to use professional pest control services or treatments such as Diatomaceous Earth, pyrethrins, and pyrethroids.
Other Predators Of Bed Bugs
Bed bugs have several predators that are known to feed on them. These include:
- Pharaoh Ants: Pharaoh ants are tiny, but they are effective predators and can feed on bed bugs.
- Argentine Ants: These ants are known for their aggressive predatory behavior and can attack and consume bed bugs.
- House Centipedes: House centipedes consume a variety of small organisms, including bed bugs.
- Red Imported Fire Ants: Known for their painful sting, these ants are also predators of bed bugs.
- American Cockroaches: Although they are pests themselves, American cockroaches can eat bed bugs.
- The Masked Hunter (also known as the Masked Bed Bug Hunter): This insect is a predator of bed bugs. It’s particularly interesting because it covers itself in dust and debris for camouflage, hence its name.
While these creatures can prey on bed bugs, they may not be able to fully control or eliminate an infestation, especially in large numbers. For bed bug problems, professional pest control methods are often the most effective solutions.
So there you have it, now you know that spiders do it bed bugs! However, if your reading this article looking for a way to deal with a bed bug infestation, it’s recommended that you seek professional pest control help to ensure the issue is thoroughly resolved.