Hi, my name is Mike Wallace, and I’m the creator of spidersplanet.com. I’ve always been fascinated by spiders as a child, so I decided to create this website to help educate people on all things spider-related.
This site will provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information written by me and a group of writers, that is well-researched and fact-checked before it’s published.
We also provide links in some of the articles, back to the source, so that our readers can verify the information themselves.
In addition to providing detailed information on individual spider species, we also offer general information about their ecology, what they eat, how long they live, and more.
Whether you’re looking for specific information about a particular spider species or just want to learn more about them in general, Spiders Planet is the ultimate destination for spider education and entertainment.
We hope you enjoy reading our articles, and if you have any questions regarding the content on this site please feel free to contact me here! Thank you for visiting our site, and happy exploring!