Category: Informational Guides

  • Do Spiders Eat Fruit? Unveiling the Secrets

    Do Spiders Eat Fruit? Unveiling the Secrets

    The connection between animals and fruits showcases a captivating example of mutualism, a win-win relationship where both parties benefit. Animals gain access to essential nutrients and sugars from the fruits they consume, while fruits…

  • Are Woodlouse Spiders Venomous?

    Are Woodlouse Spiders Venomous?

    The Woodlouse spider (Dysdera crocata) is a spider species that mainly hunts and feeds on woodlice and is mostly found in Africa, Asia, Eurasia, Europe, North America, Oceania, and South America. A creature with…

  • What Does Wolf Spiders Eat?

    What Does Wolf Spiders Eat?

    Wolf spiders are excellent hunters of small insects. Unlike spiders that weave intricate webs, these predators rely on sharp vision and stealthy moves to catch their prey. With strong and quick hunting skills, they…

  • How Fast Can a Camel Spider Run?

    How Fast Can a Camel Spider Run?

    Have you ever heard of the speedy superstar of the desert – the Camel spider! This speedy little arachnid is like a tiny racing car, built with legs that are perfect for zipping around…

  • Does Sevin Kill Spider Mites?

    Does Sevin Kill Spider Mites?

    Do you know these small troublemakers known as spider mites? Which enjoy sucking sap and can transform your plant haven into a battlefield. When you are working to restore your infected plant back to…

  • What do House Spiders Eat?

    What do House Spiders Eat?

    Curious about those house spiders lurking behind your bookshelf or in the corners? Despite giving some people chills, these eight-legged creatures are actually quite fascinating! Beyond their intricate webs and swift movements, there is…

  • What Happens If You Drop A Tarantula?

    What Happens If You Drop A Tarantula?

    Curious about what happens if you drop a tarantula? This guide explains the risks of falls, how to spot injuries, and tips to keep your eight-legged friend safe. You are cleaning your tarantula’s enclosure…

  • Do Tarantulas Eat Their Molt?

    Do Tarantulas Eat Their Molt?

    Tarantulas typically do not eat their molt, the shed exoskeletons left behind after molting. Although occasional nibbling on certain parts, such as the soft and membranous areas like the book lungs or abdomen, may…

  • Does Hairspray Kill Spiders?

    Does Hairspray Kill Spiders?

    Have you ever found a skinny eight-legged spider in your corner and grabbed the first thing nearby, like your trusty hairspray? You are not the only one! Many people wonder, does hairspray kill spiders?…