Jumping spiders “Salticidae” They’re small, they’re quick, and they can jump several times their own body length. These tiny arachnids are some of the bravest and most cunning spiders your find.
In most cases, when these spiders jump at you it’s because they feel threatened. Although jumping spiders pose no threat to humans, having one “no matter the size” jumping in your direction can be a frightening experience for anyone.
Jumping spiders are actually quite common and can be found nesting in gardens or basements. And if your reading this article then you’ve most likely seen or come into contact with one of these spiders.
The good news is there are ways to get rid of jumping spiders which we have listed below. Some of these methods are easier to apply than others, however, which one you use will depend on your situation, and how many spiders you are dealing with.
Discover 8 Successful Methods for Eliminating Jumping Spiders:
1. Use A Vacuum
If you don’t want to harm the spiders using a vacuum is the quickest and easiest way to remove jumping spiders from your home. Simply vacuum up any spiders that you see, and then empty the bag outside.
Just make sure you don’t release them too close to your home or they could end up returning.
If your worried about getting close to these jumping spiders you can also use the vacuum extender ” if have one” so you don’t get too close to the spider!
2. Use A Sticky Trap
If you want to get rid of these jumping spiders without having them jump at you, a spider sticky trap is your best option. These traps are designed to lure spiders in and then stick to their bodies, preventing them from escaping.
Sticky spider traps, are very easy to use and can be placed in an area where you’ve seen spiders and checked regularly.
If you see a spider in the trap simply dispose of it and set a new one. You can find spider sticky traps at most online stores like amazon.com.
3. Use The Jar Method
One of the most common methods of catching a spider is by using a jar! and yes you can do the same with jumping spiders. This method is simple, all you need to do is place the jar over the spider and then slide a piece of paper underneath.
Make sure the paper covers the entire opening of the jar. Once the jumping spider is inside, screw on the lid tightly so it can’t escape and release it outside! If you don’t have a jar or can’t find one, you can also use a cup.
4. Use Sweep And Broom
Another way to get rid of jumping spiders from your home without having to touch them is by using a broom and dustpan to scoop up the spider. This method works similarly to the jar method, but there is a chance you could end up injuring the spider so proceed with caution!
You also need to be quick on your feet when using this method as jumping spiders are very quick and agile and will try to escape. Once you have the spider in the dustpan, take it outside as fast as you can then release it.
5. Use Essential Oils
If you’re looking for a natural way to keep spiders away, essential oils are a great option. These oils work because they give off a strong scent that spiders don’t like.
There are a few oils that can be used to repel jumping spiders including:
Eucalyptus Oil
Lavender Oil
Tea Tree Oil
Neem Oil
Basil Oil
Repelling jumping spiders can be tricky, but by using these essential oils you can create an environment that is unfavorable for them. Simply spray them around doorways, windowsills, and other likely entry points.
6. Apply Insecticide
Although this method can be a bit harsh it can help to get rid of jumping spiders. Insecticides are poisonous chemicals that will kill the spider and should only be used as a last resort or if you have a lot of these spiders in your home.
It’s important to be careful when using insecticides, as it is toxic and can be harmful to humans and pets if not used correctly.
Take Note: Before applying any insecticides, make sure you read the label carefully and follow all safety instructions. Also it’s a good idea to seal the room off so chrilden or pets so they dont come into contact with it.
If you keep removing these webs your home will become less inviting for them. In addition, removing egg sacs can also prevent future populations of jumping spiders from taking over your home.
7. Remove Any Webs Or Egg Sacs
Jumping spiders are known to build funnels as a nest, and removing these webs and egg sacs can also help keep them away.
If you keep removing these webs your home will become less inviting for them. In addition, removing egg sacs can also prevent future populations of jumping spiders from taking over your home.
8. Call An Exterminator
Finally, if you’ve tried all these methods and are still seeing jumping spiders in your home then you may have to call an exterminator! Again like the insecticide, this should be as a last resort or if you are dealing with an infestation.
Whew! So those are just some of the methods you can use to get rid of jumping spiders. As you can see, there are a variety of options to choose from, so you should be able to find one that works best for your situation.
No one likes finding jumping spiders in their home and when you do there are usually a few reasons why they are attracted to your house.
Jumping spiders are attracted to areas that have high temperatures
They also prefer to hunt in areas where there is a lot of prey activity
Take Note: The number one reason why jumping spiders end up in your home is because there is food. Even if you remove them if you have insects and bugs roaming free in your house they will attract predators.
So the best solution is to remove any insects that they might be targeting. Once their food source is gone, the spiders will likely move on as well.
Where Do Jumping Spiders Usually Hide?
As anyone who has ever been startled by a spider crawling up their leg can attest, jumping spiders are masters of camouflage.
These small, quick predators can be difficult to spot as they lurk in the shadows, waiting to pounce on their unsuspecting prey. But where do these spiders like to hide?
A jump spider’s natural habitat is among the foliage, where they can easily blend in with leaves and twigs.
Take Note: Jumping spiders will also often build their webs in places where prey is likely to pass by, such as near a window or door.
How To Prevent Them From Returning
Jumping spiders are relatively harmless, and can even be beneficial as they help to control other pests. However, not everyone enjoys having them living in your home.
The good news is there are a few things you can do to prevent them from returning.
Seal Up Cracks And Openings: Jumping spiders are excellent climbers, so it’s important to seal up any cracks or openings that they might be able to use to enter your home. Check around windows, doors, and eaves for potential entry points and seal them with caulk or weatherstripping.
Minimize Lighting: Jumping spiders attract light, so minimizing the lighting around your home can make it less inviting for them. Turn off any outdoor lights and keep indoor lights dimmed or turned off when they’re not needed.
Remove Their Food Source: As mentioned earlier, jumping spiders feed on other insects. Naturally, spiders will nest where there is an abundance of food. So, by removing their food source you can make your home less appealing.
Clean-Up Food And Empty Trash: Spiders are attracted to food sources and are more likely to come looking for a meal. Similarly, empty garbage cans and recycle bins on a regular basis to deter spiders from using them as a nesting site. Cleaning up can prevent the spider from nesting in your home.
So there you have it! By following these simple tips, above you can help to keep jumping spiders out of your home for good!
Try one of the methods and see which one works best for you! And remember, by taking some preventative measures you can help to keep them from returning in the future.
Jumping spiders may not be everyone’s favorite creature, but with a little effort, they don’t have to be yours either! Thanks for reading!
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