You may not know what the Amazon Giant Fishing Spider is, but chances are you’ve heard of it. These spiders, are members of the Ancylometes family and can be found “you guess it” in the Amazon rainforest.
These species are one of the largest spiders in the world, with some individuals reaching up to 4 inches in body length alone.
But, despite its name, the Amazon Giant Fishing Spider does not exclusively prey on fish. In fact, this spider is known to hunt a variety of prey including insects, amphibians, lizards, and of course fish.
Physical Characteristics
- Size: When it comes to their size the females are typically larger than the males reaching 2 inches in size with a leg span of up to 5 inches. Males are much smaller but with longer legs compared to females.
- Color: This spider also has a distinctive brownish-orange color with black and light brown markings on their body. The legs of both males and females are banded with alternating brown and black, scalloped annulations on the femora and reddish-brown and black annulations on the tibia.
- Shape: This Spider has an elongated body shape that is typical of spiders. Their legs are long and thin, with multiple joints that allow the spider to move quickly. Their eyes are also large and well-developed, allowing them to detect movement from a distance.
The Amazon giant fishing spider prefers to live in areas with high humidity and are found in areas with slow-moving water, such as lakes and ponds, where they can find an abundance of prey.
These spiders sometimes hunt on land if necessary, but will typically stick to their aquatic environment whenever possible.
The Amazon rainforest has a tropical climate with high temperatures and rainfall throughout the year, providing an ideal environment for these spiders to thrive.
They also build their nests in trees and on the ground, using leaves and other materials.
One of the most interesting behaviors of this Fishing Spider is its ability to walk on water.
This is accomplished by the fine hairs on their legs which act as cushions so they don’t break the surface of the water.
When hunting, these spiders will use their powerful front legs to grab their prey and inject them with venom.
When it comes to fish, they typically wait on the edge of the water and as soon as the fish is in range the spider will strike.
The Giant Fishing Spider is a nocturnal hunter and will spend most of its time during the day hiding among vegetation or submerged in shallow water.
At night, however, it becomes more active and can be seen hunting for its prey. It uses its long legs to wade through the water in search of food.
Feeding Habits
This Fishing Spider is an impressive predator that hunts for aquatic prey, such as small fish and frogs.
They have a special adaptation of their front legs which they use to sense vibrations in the water so they can detect their prey.
Once located, the spider uses its strong mandibles to seize and eat any small creature it can find.
The diet of this Giant Fishing Spider consists mostly of insects and other aquatic organisms like snails, mollusks, crustaceans, and even smaller fish if they can be found in the area.
- Lizards
- Frogs
- Fish
- Insects
- Tadpoles
- Small mammals
Although the fishing spider has a unique feeding habit, it does not have a very high success rate at catching fish, which it does only 9% of the time, according to Animal Diversity Web.
Related Post: What Do Fishing Spiders Eat?

Defense Mechanisms
These spiders have several defense mechanisms to protect themselves from predators. They can camouflage themselves to blend in with their surroundings, making them difficult to spot.
They can also move quickly to escape danger or use their strong jaws to defend themselves. Additionally, they have venomous fangs that they use to subdue their prey, but these fangs are not harmful to humans.
The Amazon Giant Fishing Spider’s reproductive process is fascinating. During mating, the male will wrap the female with silk, immobilizing her.
This process ensures that the male can mate without being attacked by the female. A week after sex, she produces a cocoon, which she carries with her.
The cocoon can contain up to 100 eggs, and it takes about 30 days for the spiderlings to hatch.
The female will carry the cocoon with her everywhere she goes, protecting it from predators and ensuring that the spiderlings have the best possible chance of survival.
Once the spiderlings hatch, they will stay with their mother for a few weeks before venturing out on their own. During this time, the mother will provide them with food and protection.
It is worth noting that this Fishing Spider is not the only spider that wraps its mate in silk during mating. In fact, this behavior is quite common among spiders.
However, the Amazon Giant Spider’s unique reproductive process has captured the attention of many researchers and spider enthusiasts alike.
Potential Dangers
The giant Amazonian fishing spider is a formidable predator in the rainforest ecosystem. While they do not pose any direct threat to humans, their venomous bite can cause swelling and pain.
However, this spider will only bite if provoked or threatened, so it is best to avoid disturbing them in their natural habitat.
While the giant Amazonian fishing spider is not considered one of the most dangerous animals in the Amazon rainforest, they are still a formidable predator.
It’s important to respect their role in the ecosystem and avoid disturbing them in their natural habitat.
Overall, the giant Amazonian fishing spider is a fascinating and often overlooked predator in the rainforest ecosystem.
While they may not pose a direct threat to humans, their presence serves as a reminder of the diverse and complex web of life that exists in the Amazon rainforest.
Conservation Status
The conservation status of the Amazon giant fishing spider is currently listed as “Least Concern” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
This is due to their wide distribution across the Amazon rainforest and their adaptable nature to different habitats.
However, the destruction of the Amazon rainforest and the pollution of rivers and streams where these spiders live can have a negative impact on their population.
Deforestation and mining activities can also lead to the loss of their natural habitats and food sources, which can threaten their survival.
So there you have it, that’s everything you need to know about the amazon fishing spider.
Don’t forget if you liked this article feel free to check out our other articles on this site and see what else you can learn about these spiders.
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