How Fast Can A Tarantula Run? Tarantulas are some of the most recognizable and iconic arachnids in the world. With over 1,040 species of tarantulas, they are also one of the most popular types of pet spiders.
Tarantulas are also a type of spider that doesn’t use webs to catch their prey. Instead, they use “the ambush method” with speed, to hunt and chase down their prey. Which brings us to that question, just how fast can a tarantula run exactly?
The average speed of a tarantula is between 8.4 inches per second and 21 inches per second, depending on the tarantula’s size, temperature, and other circumstances such as the surface.
While this many not sound that fast for a tarantulas, its very impressive considering their size.
However, various types of spiders run at different speeds. This means that some tarantulas may be faster or slower than others, depending on their species and age.
How To Calculate Your Tarantulas Speed?
So, at this point, if you own a pet tarantula, you’re probably wondering how fast it can run right? Luckily, calculating the speed of your pet spider is a simple process.
You can do this by measuring their speed in inches per second, and converting it into miles per hour by dividing by 17.6.
For example, a tarantula that moves at 8 inches per second would have a speed of approximately 0.45 miles per hour.
If you’re looking to measure and track your tarantula’s movement, this calculation can come in handy. With a little bit of math, you can determine just how quickly your pet spider is scaling their enclosure.
However, it’s important to note that tarantulas dont run that often so to capture this at the right time. You should use some prey like a cricket or something that will attract the spider.
Fastest Tarantula Species
As we know, each tarantula species have different physical characteristics that can impact their speed.
For example, some species have longer legs, which can help them move faster, while others have shorter, thicker legs, which can make them slower.
Mexican Redknee Tarantula:
This species is one of the most popular pet tarantulas. Despite its small size (around two inches), it has incredible agility and can run up to two feet per second! It’s also very docile, making it a great pet for beginners who want to explore the world of tarantula care.
Brazilian Black Tarantula:
These charming spiders belong to a large family called Theraphosidae and are native to rainforest habitats in Brazil and Argentina.
They may be slow compared to other species, with an average speed of 0.3 feet per second, but they make up for this with their impressive jumping ability. Some individuals have been observed leaping distances of up to five feet!
Goliath Bird Eater:
This South American beast is the largest spider on Earth and can grow up to eleven inches in body length. It is surprisingly fast for its size, capable of reaching speeds over three feet per second.
Although not aggressive towards humans unless threatened, this spider should still be handled with caution due to its intimidating size and powerful venomous fangs.
Camel Spider:
Despite its name, this arachnid isn’t actually a true spider or even related to spiders at all! However, it does boast an impressive level of speed; camel spiders can reach speeds up to nine feet per second!
They are also highly intelligent creatures which make them fun pets if you’re looking for a challenge.
No matter what species interests you, owning a tarantula can be a rewarding experience as long as you “understand” the differences between them.
“Remember that each type has unique needs when it comes to habitat, diet and care requirements, do your research before taking on any new pet!”
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Factors That Can Affect The Tarantulas Speed
The size of a tarantula can significantly affect its speed. Smaller tarantulas are generally faster than larger ones.
For example, a small tarantula with a leg span of two inches can move at a speed of 1.5 miles per hour, while a larger tarantula with a leg span of six inches may only move at a speed of 0.5 miles per hour.
It’s important to note that while smaller tarantulas may be faster, they are also more vulnerable to predators.
Larger tarantulas have a better chance of defending themselves against predators, but they are also slower and less agile.
Another factor and what many people may not realize is that temperature can have a huge impact on how fast a tarantula can move.
It’s well-known that tarantulas are ectotherms, meaning they rely on external sources of heat to regulate their body temperature.
This means that the temperature of the environment can play an important role in how fast a tarantula can run or climb.
At lower temperatures (below 18°C/64°F), tarantulas typically move very slowly, as their muscles and nerves become sluggish due to the cold.
At higher temperatures (above 24°C/76°F), however, tarantulas tend to be more active and can move faster.
How To Make My Tarantula Run?
Attracting your pet tarantula with prey can be a great way to get it moving and running around its enclosure.
For the best results, make sure you use live prey for your tarantula, this is make it more appitizing and will encourage activity.
Place the prey at one end of the enclosure and watch as your tarantula moves towards it.
If your tarantula appears to be disinterested, try moving or shaking the prey slightly, this will usually get your spider’s attention.
Once you have its attention, keep an eye out for a response, and get ready to record the moment this way your be able to calculate their speed mentioned at the start of this article.
Just remember to be patient as this may take sometime.
So now you know how fast a tarantula can run! While tarantulas are not the fastest animals in the world, they are still capable of moving quickly when they need to.
However, their speed is not their primary defense mechanism, and they are more likely to use other tactics to avoid danger.
As fascinating creatures with unique characteristics and behaviors, tarantulas continue to capture the interest of people all over the world.
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