Category: Blog

  • Do Spider Mites Kill Plants?

    Do Spider Mites Kill Plants?

    Have you ever thought that spider mites can kill plants, Spider mites are tiny arachnids that can cause significant damage to plants. They are known to feed on the sap of plants, which can…

  • Are Wolf Spiders Dangerous? (Detailed Guide)

    Are Wolf Spiders Dangerous? (Detailed Guide)

    Wolf spiders are very common and easily recognizable by their size and dark, hairy appearance. However, some people may be worried about these creepy critters, especially if they have children or pets! As a…

  • 8 Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Jumping Spiders

    8 Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Jumping Spiders

    Jumping spiders “Salticidae” They’re small, they’re quick, and they can jump several times their own body length. These tiny arachnids are some of the bravest and most cunning spiders your find. In most cases,…

  • Do Jumping Spiders Drink Water?

    Do Jumping Spiders Drink Water?

    While they may be one of nature’s tiniest spiders, jumping spiders have always had a huge following among pet owners. However, one question that often comes up when considering keeping a jumping spider as…

  • Do Spiders Eat Aphids?

    Do Spiders Eat Aphids?

    Aphids are well known for their rapid reproduction rate and can quickly become a problem for gardeners and farmers due to the damage they can inflict on plants. Large populations can quickly turn leaves…