What are the best pet spiders for beginners? For many people, spiders are creepy crawlies that should be avoided at all costs. “But”, for others, spiders can make wonderful pets.
However, the hardest part “especially for beginners”, is finding a spider that suits, both the owner, and the spiders needs. So, if you’re interested in learning a bit more about spiders or just want to find the perfect pet for you, you’re in the right place.
Things To Consider Before Getting A Pet Spider
When it comes to choosing a pet spider, there are a few important things you need to consider, before you take on the responsibility of owning a spider. This includes the following…
Size Requirements
Spiders come in a variety of sizes, from tiny jumping spiders to massive tarantulas. so when choosing your spider it’s important to pick a species that will be comfortable in the space you have available.
For example, some species require large enclosures with plenty of room to climb and explore, while others can thrive in smaller setups. Raising a spider in cramp conditions can be unhealthy for the spider.
Temperament And Handling
Some species of spider are more docile and handleable than others. So you should think about and choose a species that matches your comfort level with handling a spider.
Regarding spiders, some may be more skittish, while others species, can be more interactive and playful with their owners.
So make sure you research the temperament of the species you are considering to determine if it’s a good match for you.
Feeding And Care
One of the most important things when caring for a spider is their diet. Spiders require a balanced diet with plenty of nutrients to help with their growth and molting cycles.
Some species require live prey, while others can be fed pre-killed “dried insects” to ensure they are getting the necessary food requirements.
If you need help in this area, there is a whole category here at spidersplanet.com called “spiders food” where you can find all the information you need about what spiders can eat.
Related Post: How Fast Can A Tarantula Run?
11 Pet Spiders For Beginners With Photos
1. Happy-Face Spider
The Happy-Face Spider “Theridion grallator” is hands down, one of the best pet spiders for beginners! and gets its name from the unusual pattern found on their abdomen, which looks very similar to a smiling face.
This species is a very popular pet, due to their small size “measuring only 5mm” and docile nature. They are relatively easy to care for, requiring only weekly feedings and occasional cleaning of the enclosure.
Another reason why these spiders make great pets is because of their curious behavior, such as exploring their surroundings or web-building activities. Making them an interesting pet to watch and observe!
Average Lifespan
- The lifespan of the Happy Face Spider is 9 years
- This spider is typically very shy and docile

2. Peacock Spider
Another pet spider that’s great for beginners is, The Peacock Spider, “maratus volans” which was first discovered by a scientist in Mount Gambier, South Australia.
The peacock spider is actually a species from the jumping spider family (Salticidae). This spider gets its name from the character from Finding Nemo due to its bright colors and distinctive patterned markings.
They are very popular as pets due to their attractive appearance and small size, and the fact that they are completely harmless to humans.
They are also easier to care for than your average species of spider, requiring only regular feedings and the occasional cleaning of their enclosure.
Average Lifespan
- Peacock spiders live approximately for one year
- This species is very friendly and calm.

3. Brazilian Black Tarantula
The Brazilian Black Tarantula, “Grammostola pulchra” is another popular arachnid kept as a pet. However, due to their size this spider can be intimidating to some, “but don’t let that put you off”.
These pet spiders are in fact, very friendly, and good for handling, suitable if your a complete beginner.
Some even describe this spider “like little Kittens” and are known for being docile and low-maintenance, making them a great choice for both beginners and experienced pet owners.
One of the primary reasons why Brazilian Black Tarantulas are good pets is their calm demeanor. These tarantulas are known to move slowly and rarely bite, even when provoked.
This makes them great for handling, and their calmness can make interactions with the spider a pleasant experience.
Average Lifespan
- Female Brazilian Tarantulas live up to 20 years, but males are much shorter.
- This spider is very calm and slow moving.

4. Curly Hair Tarantula
The Curly Hair Tarantula, also known as the Brachypelma albopilosum, is another popular species of tarantula kept as a pet.
One reason why the Curly Hair Tarantula is a good pet, is its relaxed and easy-going nature. Unlike some species of tarantulas, these spiders are typically more tolerant of being handled and are unlikely to bite.
They are a relatively tough species that don’t have any specific needs, making them ideal pet spiders for beginners that have busy schedules or who want a low-maintenance pet.
Another advantage of keeping Curly Hair Tarantulas as pets is that they are fascinating to observe. They have unique features, such as their long, bristly legs and the patterns on their exoskeleton that are also pleasing to the eye.
Average Lifespan
- Males live 9 to 10 years, females up to 20 years
- Very relaxed and easy-going nature

5. Greenbottle Blue Tarantula
The Greenbottle Blue Tarantula, Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens, are known for being highly active and can often be seen climbing and exploring their enclosure.
They are also quite agile and fast, which can make them an exciting and challenging pet to observe.
One of the main reasons why the Greenbottle Blue Tarantula is such a good pet “apart from being highly active”is their striking appearance.
With its metallic blue and green color, patterned legs, and bright orange abdomen, this spider is sure to turn heads and fascinate anyone who sees it.
Finally, the Greenbottle Blue Tarantula has a long lifespan, living up to 12-14 years. This means that they can become long-term and loyal pets for their keepers.
Average Lifespan
- The female live between 12-14 years, and males 4 years
- Very active, fast-moving, and slightly docile

6. Pinktoe Tarantula
The Pink toe Tarantula, Avicularia avicularia, is a species of arboreal tarantula that has become another popular choice.
These spiders are known for their striking colouration, interesting behavior, and relatively docile temperament, making them an ideal pet for both experienced and beginners.
They also have a unique coloration of pink, white, and black hair covering their bodies, giving them a distinctive and attractive appearance.
These spiders are arboreal, meaning, they live in trees, and are known for their ability to climb and jump. As a result, these spiders will need a tall enclosure with plenty of climbing surfaces.
Furthermore, the Pink toe Tarantula has a relatively docile temperament, making them easier to handle compared to other species.
While they may exhibit some nervous or defensive behavior, they are generally not prone to biting and are unlikely to cause harm to their handler.
Average Lifespan
- Females can live 10-12 years in captivity, males have a much shorter lifespan.
- Non, aggressive and relatively docile

7. Bold Jumping Spider
The Bold Jumping Spider, Phidippus audax can be a good option as pet spiders for beginners because it is a very small type of spider, only measuring around 1-2 cm in length. Their size, however, is also a bonus, as they require less food “than a tarantula” making it a great pet for beginners on a budget.
Moreover, the Bold Jumping Spider is known for its interesting behavior, which can be fascinating to observe. They are agile and acrobatic, capable of impressive jumps and intricate web-funneling, which can provide hours of entertainment for pet owners.
The Bold Jumping Spider is a low-maintenance pet, and also requires minimal space, which means that a small enclosure can easily accommodate this species of spider.
Finally, the Bold Jumping Spider is relatively harmless to humans, with a non-toxic venom that makes it safe to handle for anyone who wants to take the chance.
Average Lifespan
- The average lifespan of a jumping spider is around 6 to 12 months, though in captivity they can live up to 18 months..
- Very friendly and active spider with lots of energy
Related post: Do Jumping Spiders Bite?

8. Chilean Rose Tarantula
The Chilean Rose Tarantula, “Grammostola rosea” or the Chilean Fire Tarantula, is a popular species kept as a best pet spiders for beginners around the globle.
These spiders are known for their calm temperament and reluctance to bite, even when threatened, making them an ideal pet for children and beginners alike.
Unlike some species, this spider can adapt to a wide range of environments, and can tolerate a variety of humidity and temperature levels, making them an easy to care for.
Another advantage of keeping a Chilean Rose Tarantula as a pet is their longevity. These spiders can live An astonishing “20 years” when well-cared for, making for a long-term and loyal pet.
Average Lifespan
- Females can live up to 20 years in captivity, much longer than males.
- This species is considered to be very calm and docile.

9. Costa Rican Zebra Tarantula
The Costa Rican Zebra Tarantula, Aphonopelma Seemanni”, is often considered a very attractive species of tarantula. Due to their beautiful black and white striping, the Costa Rican Zebra Tarantula stands out with its striking appearance.
Not only are they visually interesting, but these spiders are also quite docile in nature, But, they can move fast when they want to, especially if they escape.
Also, like other tarantulas, mentioned in this list, they require low maintenance when it comes to their care and feeding. Making them a great introductory pet spiders for beginners!
Average Lifespan
- Females can live up to 20 years. But, the males, tend to only live up to five years.
- Quite docile in demeanour, but also difficult to contain.

10. Purple-Gold Jumping Spider
The purple and gold jumping spider “Irura bidenticulata” is another popular species, known for its vibrant purple and gold colouration.
However, this spider is more active and is also noted for their agility and jumping ability, as well as their keen sense of sight, which helps them track prey more easily.
In addition to being visually stunning, this spider requires minimal care compared to other spiders. They are also easy to handle, making them the perfect pets for beginners!
They thrive on commercially available insects like crickets or mealworms, which means finding food for your spider won’t be a problem.
Average Lifespan
- The average life span of this spider is 1 to 3 years
- This spider has a balanced and friendly temperament
11. Mexican Redknee Tarantula
Finally, the last pet spiders for beginners in this list is, The Mexican Redknee Tarantula, also referred to as the Brachypelma hamorii
This spider is another beautiful species of tarantula that can make an excellent pet for beginners due to its hardy nature and docile behavior.
This Tarantula is easily recognizable by its vivid colors and distinct black and yellow markings on its body. While they don’t grow too large, they typically range from 4-6 inches in length.
Apart from being visually appealing, these spiders require minimal space requirements and are found to be very docile spiders, again making them ideal if your a beginner.
Average Lifespan
- This species of tarantula can live up to 20 years if looked after correctly.
- A very docile and calm spider.

So there are 11 best pet spiders for beginners! However, it’s always recommended to do your research before taking care of a spider.
If you want to know more about certain types of spiders, feel free to serch this site as there is plenty of information here regarding different species of spiders.